Internship medicine posting
Medicine intern log Hello everyone, I'm a medical intern and recently started my medical posting.This blog is to share my experience and cases I came across during this period. 60yr male came with cheif complaints of giddiness since 3 days.and visual hallucinations since 3 days HOPI Pt was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back then he developed fever for 1 day for which he went to hospital and got treated and came back home ..then he developed giddiness only while walking , mostly swaying and unable to walk without support. Visual hallucinations are present ( seeing ciggretes in a plate asking wife to get them, perceives that his kids are sleeping with him and hiding something) No slurring of speech ,no vomitings no blurring of vision , tinnitus, no diplopia.. 60/M farmer previously now running tiffin shop since 10 years@miryalguda.chronic alcoholic,chronic smoker...