Internship medicine posting

Medicine intern log
          Hello everyone, I'm a medical intern and recently started my medical posting.This blog is to share my experience and cases I came across during this period.

             60yr male came with
 cheif complaints of giddiness since 3 days.and visual hallucinations since 3 days
    Pt was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back then he developed fever for 1 day for which he went to hospital and got treated and came back home ..then he developed giddiness only while walking , mostly swaying and unable to walk without support. 
Visual hallucinations are present ( seeing ciggretes in a plate asking wife to get them, perceives that his kids are sleeping with him and hiding something) 
 No slurring of speech ,no vomitings no blurring of vision , tinnitus, no diplopia.. 
60/M farmer previously now running tiffin shop since 10 years@miryalguda.chronic alcoholic,chronic smoker.k/c/o DM 2 since 9 years, regular medication and regular follow up 
      2 yrs back ,1st episode of involuntary movements of all 4 limbs associated with uprolling of eye balls, frothing, lasting for 5 -10 mins , started on anti epileptic drug but pt used to get repeated seizure activity for every 2/3 days-similar episodes .later on pt consulted neurologist in hyd and was put on 3 anti epileptic drugs ( lacosemide,carbamazepine,clobazam)continued for 4 months and stopped under medical supervision since then no seizure activity
    1 year back he went normally to work , suddenly developed weakness of both upper and lower limb..At that time slurring of speech and involuntary movements of   all 4 limbs present.loss of consciousness for about 1 min was present.. deviation of mouth to left side and post ictal confusion was present..? TIA .then they took him to the doctor,where MRI was done that showed subacute to chronic right capsuloganglionic bleed. Subacute to chronic
Neuropsychiatrist evaluation was done..

Past history
    K/C/O DM type 2  ...9 yrs back  pt  had fever For which they consulted a doctor and on routine investigations he was found having diabetes since then he is on oral hypoglycemic drugs and on regular follow up ...
Personal history
Diet -mixed
Appetite- normal
Bowel movements-regular
Micturition- nocturia (5 to 6 times per night)
Addictions- chronic smoker ,smokes 10 beedies/day since 20 years
Occasional alcoholic  ( weekly once)
Family history
   Not significant
General examination
      Pt is conscious, coherent and co operative
Vitals  temp -afebrile 
            PR 68bpm regular in rate ,rythm and volume
             RR -20cpm
             Spo2 99
No pallor ,icterus ,cyanosis , clubbing, lymphadenopathy and pedal edema.

Systemic examination
Higher mental functions
Gcs 15/15
Oriented to time ,place,person.
  Speech -fluency intact , repetation, naming,and comprehension intact.
   Recent memory is impaired
   Past memory is intact 
Cranial nerves- intact
Except 2nd and 7th 
2nd - left homonimous hemianopia
7th -deviation of mouth to right,left eyelid mild weakness,left facial hemiparesis UMN type.
 Motor system examination

  UL.    Rt.     26    Lt. 27
  LL.     Rt.   39      Lt .39

Rt UL-normal
Lt UL-hypertonia
Rt LL -normal
Lt LL-normal

 UL.                  Rt                lt
Proximal. +4/5.          +5/5
Distal.        +5/5.           +5/5
LL.               +5/5.          +5/5

Reflexes.         Rt.         Lt
Biceps.           +3.         +3
Triceps.          +3.         +3
Supinator.     +3.         +3
Knee               +2.         +2
Ankle.           Absent.     Absent
Plantar.        Extensor.  Extensor
Superficial abdominal reflex : absent

Sensory examination
           Rt.            LFT 
Face    intact.     Decreased sensation over angle of mouth and cheek 
Chest trunk and limbs on left side- decreased sensation.
UL.     Intact.      Sup pain ,touch ,  proprioception t,lost.deep pain and pressure decreased
Meningeal signs
Cerebellar signs 
       No past pointing ,no nystagmus,heel- sheen test negative ,no dysdiadochokinesia,random walking negative.

Respiratory system
Bilateral air entry present
Normal vesicular breath sounds heard

CVS examination
S1,S2 heard
No murmurs

Per abdomen
No tenderness,local rise of temperature.
Abdomen: scaphoid
Hernial orifices :free
     Multiple acute infarcts in Medial temporal lobe, thalamus,right occipital lobe-Right PCA territory infarct..
      Old infarats in bilateral basal ganglian and right Corona radiata...
     Left homonimous hemianopia with left hemisensory loss.
     Tinea corporis et cruris et unguam..
    Vascular dementia..
     K/c/o DM 2 since 9 years on regular medication...
     K/c/o epilepsy 2 yrs back took medication for 1 yr then stopped under medical supervision...
Fbs - 179
Plbs - 303

Hb 12.9
Tot count 10,600
Neutrophils 54
Lymphocytes 40
Eosinophils 03
Basophils 00
Pcv 36.1
Mcv 79.9
Mchc 35.9
Platelet count 2.63
Smear normocytic normochromic

Fasting lipid profile
 Total cholesterol - 163
Triglycerides - 123
HDL - 46
VLDL -24

Urea 29
Creatinine 0.7
Uric acid 2.8
Calcium 10.5
Phosphorus 2.6
Sodium 133
Potassium 3.2
Chloride 96

Tot bilirubin 1.07
Direct bilirubin 0.30
ALP 228
Tot proteins 7.1
Albumin 3.9
A/G ratio 1.23

2D echo - Trivial TR+ ,no MR/AR
                  No RWMA , sclerotic AV ,no AS/MS
                 Good LV systolic function
                 Diastolic dysfunction+ no PAH/PE

Carotid Doppler scan  :normal


Treatment given:
1. Tab ecospirin (75mg/20 mg)/PO/OD
2.Tab pan 40 mg / PO/OD
3.Tab promethazine 25 mg/PO/TID
4.Tab glimi M1/PO/BD
5.Inj optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml/ NS/IV/OD
6.GRBS charting 6 the hrly
7. BP Charting
1.Tab ecospirin (75mg/20 mg)/PO/OD
2.Tab pan 40 mg / PO/OD
3.Tab promethazine 25 mg/PO/TID
4.Tab glimi M1/PO/BD
5.Tab multivitamin OD


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